يكمن سر نجاحنا في أننا لا نقوم بالتوظيف فحسب، وإنما نعمل سويّاً في سبيل تطوير فريق العمل.

At Sprintive

Social security Program

According to the Jordanian Law, all of our team members are covered by the social security program.

First Class health insurance

We provide our team with a first-class health care coverage.

We Support Your Success

By providing you with the best skills and learning access to different online and offline learning platforms.

Creative Culture

"Individual creativity is the most crucial element of organizational innovation, but it is not, by itself, sufficient" Teresa Amabile.

Well, let's work together as a team and make it Sufficient.

Bonuses and rewards

At Sprintive we consider our team efforts as an asset to the company. Accordingly, Yearly bonuses and project rewards are given to our hardworking team members.

Hybrid environment

A room of creativity is always open. cooperation, support, and empowerment are not only words to us, in Sprintive actions will definitely be taken.